A new year...

So, this is it! The beginning of a new year and the beginning of a new blog for me. I start this blog with a bit of trepidation, for I've started blogs before. Yep, that's right! I said BLOGS!!! For some reason they haven't stuck, but I'm hoping with a theme and a goal, I can stick with this one. I call this blog My Project 365-ish.
If you don't know what Project 365 is, let me give you a quick explanation. Basically, it's a way of documenting your life for one full year thru pictures. I will take a picture a day (ideally ;0) and post them here on this blog with a little blurb of explanation. I think it will be a fun and interesting way to do our family history and also to get myself taking more pictures. I hope you enjoy this here blog! Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I promise there is nothing wrong with your computer.  This is just audio of Joshy singing.  No picture.

Sunday afternoons are my favorite time of the week.  Especially now that we get out of church at two.  Today at dinner Michael told me that they sang Joshy's favorite song in Primary, and the reason the Primary leaders knew it was his favorite song, is because of how he belts it out.  I'm talking shouting, here.  I try to talk to him about singing nicely, but he really REALLY feels this song.  It doesn't matter where we are, car, dinner table, bed, grocery store, this kid will shout out this song.  I hope he always loves this song, for it is one of my favorites, too.  The video  audio is really lacking in the enthusiasm he generally shows.  One of these days I will catch the way he REALLY sings it, and share it.


  1. Lisa, This is a FUN blog. You have a precious family. Keeping you in my prayers. :-)

  2. This isn't Mark, it's Larissa. I didn't know he was signed in on his acct.

  3. He REALLY loves this song. As soon as they said something about the Army of Helaman, he started talking about this song! So great!

  4. Thanks, Larissa! I really appreciate it!

    Andrea, I love it! It makes me feel like I am doing something right :)
