A new year...

So, this is it! The beginning of a new year and the beginning of a new blog for me. I start this blog with a bit of trepidation, for I've started blogs before. Yep, that's right! I said BLOGS!!! For some reason they haven't stuck, but I'm hoping with a theme and a goal, I can stick with this one. I call this blog My Project 365-ish.
If you don't know what Project 365 is, let me give you a quick explanation. Basically, it's a way of documenting your life for one full year thru pictures. I will take a picture a day (ideally ;0) and post them here on this blog with a little blurb of explanation. I think it will be a fun and interesting way to do our family history and also to get myself taking more pictures. I hope you enjoy this here blog! Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I know.  We've already seen Bryan's full moon, but I just had to share this pic.  Besides it was the only pic I took this day.  Anyway, the story behind this pic is too good to pass up.  It's disgusting, just so you know.  I wasn't feeling well so turned the kiddos over to Michael and went in to lay down.  A bit later, Michael came in to check on me.  I asked him where Bryan was, and Michael told me he was in playing in his room.  That always raises red flags for me.  I know Bryan.  I hopped up and ran into his room and this is what I found.  The kid was PASSED out NAKED AS THE DAY HE WAS BORN!  He wasn't stirring AT ALL.  I even checked to make sure he was breathing because he WASN'T moving.  All good, just asleep.  Question is, where did he put his diaper and did he pee on the floor.  I called Michael in to have him take a look at the scene and to help me look for the diaper.  Oh yeah, Michael found it all right!  AND the contents inside.  Let's just say that they were of a solid nature and that Michael wasn't wearing shoes.  DISGUSTING!  Michael went in to clean up while I cleaned up the mess in the room.  Gagging and laughing are really difficult to do simultaneously.


This day was a busy, but fun day!  We had a play date this morning with my old roommate and her kids.  What was only supposed to be a one hour play date turned into two hours.  I don't know if it was because the kids were having fun, or if my friend and I were just chatting too much.  Afterwards, we came home and had a lovely (and I do mean lovely) nap.  After the nap the boys played with a neighbor boy for a bit and then Michael, the boys and I all headed to McDonald's for an ice cream cone.  We decided to take our ice cream to the park.  The boys, especially Bryan, ran around like a mad men.  Joshy loves the swings, and Bryan loves the twisty slide.  The boys slept so good that night.  Awesome!


Our beautiful sunrise this morning.  Straight out of camera except for getting rid of a really ugly power pole.


We love board games at this house!  Our favorite is Candy Land.  Our most favorite thing to do when we get to the end is to pretend we are eating ALL the goodies on the board.  Joshy is pretty good at this game, but I still have to watch him because he will move his little gingerbread man forward a few places.  Sneaky little guy ;)


I'm pretty sure that Bryan has to be the cutest kid ever!  Inside and out!  This boy cracks me up EV. ER. Y day.  Thank goodness or I just might cry.  He is a busy little guy.  He loves Joshy's back pack.  He actually hates to give it up so Joshy can take it to school.  Thank goodness Joshy is willing to share.  Inside that back pack is Bryan's collection of his treasures.  Like I said before, he will carry around just about anything and everything that catches his fancy.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I promise there is nothing wrong with your computer.  This is just audio of Joshy singing.  No picture.

Sunday afternoons are my favorite time of the week.  Especially now that we get out of church at two.  Today at dinner Michael told me that they sang Joshy's favorite song in Primary, and the reason the Primary leaders knew it was his favorite song, is because of how he belts it out.  I'm talking shouting, here.  I try to talk to him about singing nicely, but he really REALLY feels this song.  It doesn't matter where we are, car, dinner table, bed, grocery store, this kid will shout out this song.  I hope he always loves this song, for it is one of my favorites, too.  The video  audio is really lacking in the enthusiasm he generally shows.  One of these days I will catch the way he REALLY sings it, and share it.


This is what I get when I try to take a self portrait!  Joshy and I got to spend the day up at Moccasin today.  I am so glad that we went.  My mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer and has had a biopsy and two surgeries in the past month.  She will start chemo in the next couple of weeks.  It really scares us all, but she is a strong lady and her prognosis is good.  So anyway, I kinda like the picture.  She was the focus of the visit, so she needs to be the focus of my picture of the day.  Joshy was fake sleeping, so I wasn't going to get a good pic of him anyway.  We will take the boys up again before she starts chemo so that we can visit.  We know that after chemo she won't be able to see the littles for a while. sad.


Yay for the play structure!!!  Seriously, this thing has saved my sanity!  Before, our back yard was a wasteland, ummm...I mean there was dirty,  errrr....FUN dirt.  Now, that the structure is out there the boys love to head out and play on that.  I have to close my eyes because of some of their shenanigans, but they are boys, after all.  Hopefully this will keep Joshy busy enough that he won't break any more windows!  Thanks Clarkes for the awesome play structure!  We are getting good use out of it!


My Joshy!  I love this kiddo so much.  He sure knows how to push my buttons, though.  He learned that young.  He cracks me up with the things he comes up with.  His latest thing is the whole, "Guess what?"  "Chicken butt!" schtick.  Can't say I love that one.  We are trying to get him to do knock-knock jokes instead, but it's taking a bit for him to grasp the concept.  Despinte the tantrums, the button pushing and all the other four-year-old stuff, he has a heart of gold!  I love you, too, Bubba!


Oh, Bryan!  How you make my day interesting!  Wait!  I can say that about both my boys.  They are definitely interesting in their own way.  Bryan, though, is a pack rat.  This kid loves to carry his most prized possessions around with him all day long.  It proved to be difficult until he recently took over Joshy's lunch bag.  We lovingly refer to it, now, as Bryan's "man purse."  Yeah, we're mean.  I know.  Anyhoo, on this particular day, Bryan was having trouble fitting everything into his "man purse," so he got fed up.  After the resulting temper tantrum, he started shoving (yep, shoving) ALL his things into his shirt!  He had so much stuff in there, he couldn't even sit up!  The best thing about this here story, is that when he stood up ALL his things fell out on to the floor!  I couldn't stop laughing, but the poor kid was in hysterics!  Literally, hopping mad!  Does that make me a bad mom?  Me laughing at my kids, I mean.  If so, then I am most definitely a bad mom!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I'm teaching myself to crochet!  Well, not really teaching myself.  There are a ton of awesome tutorials on youtube.  Needless to say, I awoke this morning with sore hands and wrists.  Gotta build of those crocheting muscles!!!


We've always called Bryan "our little monkey," and he really is.  This kid LOVES to make a mess. If it's in a cup, bowl or any container, then to his mind, it belongs on the floor.  He also can NOT stand a diaper.  (I'm in the midst of the potty training nightmare now.)  Anyway, I left the room for just a minute and when I came back in there was this OVERWHELMING smell of garlic.  Like, hit-you-in-the-face-make-your-eyes-water smell!  It was awful!  I turned the corner and  was my little cheeky monkey in the midst of emptying the pantry of all it's contents sans diaper.  Apparently, the garlic powder was the first of the dumped contents.  I think the smell was a bit too much for him because I know that it slowed him down a bit.  Maybe he has aspirations of being the next Naked Chef.  Hmmmm. 

Monday, January 3, 2011


What can I say about this tie? It's not something I particularly love. Actually, I think it's pretty much the ugliest tie on the planet, but alas, my husband LOVES it! I'm not quite sure if he really does love it or if he just knows how much I dislike it. Hmmmmm?


I love love love this image of my boys! It's New Years Day and we are just hanging out. The boys were being whirling dervishes and laughing hysterically. I love the movement in this photo. I feel like it represents my life. The boys are growing up so quickly. I need to capture these memories before they are a blur.

Sunday, January 2, 2011